
Find Something You Want to Fight for Daily and Make It Your Job

Be professional in what you do. And do something that is important. Something of value.

Not something that just produces money. Something that actually produces value.


When you get a phone call after work, let it be about something important, something worth your effort. Make yourself useful, needed and able to contribute.


Choose to work with people who are changers, helpers, doers, givers. Choose to be around a positive, productive mindset. When you have a conversation with a colleague, let it be one of those conversations where both feel as a team, working towards an important goal. Let that breed a sense of trust, of belonging and of being part of something.


There is a time in every career where you are on the run. Make it so that when you are on the run, you know for  whom and for what.


Let it be so that you work for something valuable, not only your own benefit.


Let your daily actions bring light into someone else's day.


Find something you want to fight for daily and make it your job. If you don't, your job will make you.


The more you give yourself over to a contribution, to a higher purpose than your self interest, you become that. Through this contribution you become the person who is valuable and professional and needed.


That is the path to true career success.

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