
Your Life is Determined by the Questions You Ask on a Daily Basis


You can only get answers to the questions you ask. Ask your subconscious high-quality questions and you will get high-quality answers.


Ask "Why is this happening to me?", and you will get an answer to why it sucks.

Ask "How is this happening for me?", and, for the same event, you will get an answer to that.


There is always an unlimited number of perspectives and emotions we could take on towards anything. But we always only come up with a few, usually the ones we are most used to. Most of the time, this process of taking perspective works unconsciously, so we don't even get a say in what it should look like. And because of that, the perspective we are most used to usually comes up as the dominant one. And we don't even realize it.


A great way to come up with new points of view is to ask new questions and see what you can come up with for answers.


Watching the quality of the small questions you unconsciously ask yourself throughout the day will over time improve:

- The directedness and purposefulness of your behavior

- The quality of your thinking

- The quality of the answers and solutions you come up with

- Your confidence in yourself


If you want to speed up the process, try this out:
If you notice that a question just popped up into your head automatically, write it down. In this way, you can always review it and ask yourself again "Is this supporting the quality of my life?" and "Is this a question I want to keep to get to my dream life?"


So throw your your disempowering questions into the waste bin and recycle them to empowering questions.


Trade "Why am I so shy and uncomfortable around people?" for "How would it look if I was confident and comfortable right now?"

Trade "Am I smart?" for "How am I smart?"

Trade " Will this work out?" for "This will work out, what can I do to make sure it will?"

Trade "Why is he so much better than me?" for "Amazing, he is so good at this! What can I learn from him?"

Trade "Why is he so much better than me?" for "Amazing, he is so good at this! What am I that good at?"

Trade "Will I ever find my way?" f0r "What do I feel is my way right now?"

Trade "Will I ever find a place to belong?" for "How can I get to the place where I belong?"

Trade "Why me?" for "Wanna try me?!" 


Continue your own list and share one of your trades in the comments down below or in the facebook/instagram post! Looking forward to hearing how you will change your daily internal dialogue.

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