
Discover the True Depth of a Human Being in Yourself


Depth is not about taking surface action. Depth is about finetuning your internal systems so you can experience life as deeply as possible.


It's not about how many different things you can experience. That would be span.

It's not about how much you can achieve and become. That would be height.


The good life has depth. Depth slowly pushes away the everyday numbness and the autopilot mode. By that, it gives you the ability to make yourself immersed in the joy that comes from span and height. If you can increase your depth, everything you do in span and height will be a far richer experience.


~ By being immersed in your own internal world you are able to immerse yourself in the outside world. ~


Master your internal world, your perception and interpretation, your thinking, your emotions and feelings. Build inner strength, get to know yourself, train your strength of character and your intelligence.



Here are a few internal systems you could start developing:

- perception (how well your senses work)
- interpretation (how your brain and your thinking interpret the impressions that come from your senses)

- your thought process (the way you talk to yourself, the questions you ask yourself)
- your emotions and feelings

- the intensity of your awareness (How accurate are your perception and your interpretation of the world? How well do they fit reality? How aware are you of what's going on in a situation, both the inside and the outside? How many things can you notice in one moment? What kinds of things can you notice? How aware are you aware of your environment or the people around you?

- your presence and mindfulness (Are you able to be in the here and now without thinking about the future or drifting into past memories?)



A few ways to increase your depth:

- meditation (an all-time classic)

- new challenges

- new insights (understanding more)

- getting lost in an activity you are passionate about

- everything that makes you self-aware, for example: learning new skills (especially those where your body is involved, not only your mind), speaking on stage, reflecting on your life

- reading and writing (for example: journaling)

- for some people, sports works well


If you have your own way you use to increase your depth, feel free to share it in the comments, so other people can try it out too!

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