You are so much more.
The rule is simple. Pursue your own pleasure and life will feel small. Pursue a purpose bigger than yourself and life will feel huge.
Don't look for happiness. Be the happiness.
Don't look for greatness. Be the greatness
When you struggle in the beginning, tell yourself you are only starting out.
When you struggle in the middle, tell yourself you have come too far to give up now.
When you struggle near the end, tell yourself you are too close to back down.
When you fulfil your dreams, you set me free to trust in mine.
Your purpose does not simply exist. In the same way as an apple does not simply exist. It has to be grown by a strong tree.
It is those who can allow themselves to be vulnerable who are the strongest
It's all about the look in your eyes. How your eyes look while you are living every day. If the are full of wonder and shining, or not.
It's never about the bad situation. It's always about how good you can be in a bad situation.
Find something to stand for. Something to say "Not with me around."
People tell you to fight for yourself. But what if yourself is not what you are fighting for?
Only when you know the value of your work, can you do great work.
When you give joy to others repeatedly, you learn that you can create joy at will and you start to realize that you can do that for yourself, too. The same goes for strength, for hope and for love.
There is so much kindness in getting extremely strong and skilled and then using all of that for the sake of other people.
Your path is yours - and yours alone.
Another day of struggle equates another day of building strength.
"It's now or never!", calls the moment.
My heart takes the heat and starts hurting.
But I feel good when I am challenged like this.
"It's now or never!", calls the moment.
My heart takes the heat and starts hurting.
But I feel good when I am challenged like this. -T.M.Revolution
Tomorrow won't even move the slightest.
So invade it and set it afire. -T.M.Revolution
This is but a changing era. Make it yours.
Don't name it a dream. Name it a goal.
Make it real in your head first.
The only way to know the limitations of your physical and mental power, is to go to full length to train them and then test them out. You can start whining that you can't after you tried that.
Personal growth is great, but don't just grow randomly in any direction you are pulled. First, set your own goal, then grow into the direction of it.
DO WHAT you believe is right.
DO WHAT you can do at the time.
I struggle to get by on this way that was thrust upon me, without having my own way, but I keep moving forward until I find it.
Live out your life untamed.
In a world that is said to be so broken, I can see a rising sun.
Even if it were true that being here is a mistake,
I know there is a reason I am standing here for hours, working.
As long as I am alive, I will keep running towards the dream my heart sent me.
I'm not only gonna exist and vegetate.
I swear I'm gonna live.