Sports, businesses, schools, stories, they are all very different, but they have one thing in common: They help humans with their personal growth in one way or another.
There is a metapattern to that growth. There are specific parts that exist in each of those places and when they come together they form a circumstance that allows the people inside to grow themselves exponentially. This is what we call "The Human Journey".
Setting this pattern up in your own life can help you:
- feel that life is more meaningful
- grow towards a better, stronger version of yourself
- find your own place, your own purpose
- find inner fulfillment (which is a lasting form of happiness, in contradiction to short-term happiness)
- unleash and express your inner greatness
- find a deeper connection with people and other life around you
The Basic Human Needs for an Extraordinary Life
The Human Journey could be described as a model for basic human needs for an extraordinary and fulfilled life.
I'm sure you are familiar with the basic human needs for survival, like air, food, water, shelter, a tribe, and so on. Those guarantee you survival, nothing more.
The Human Journey lists the basic needs for fulfillment and greatness. They are not needed for survival. They are more or less optional. We can choose to go after them after we ensured survival and want to take it to the next level - the level of not only surviving, but truly living.
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